Spiritual Life | Thomas More College

Spiritual Life

Verbum Caro Factum Est

In his address to Catholic educators during his visit to the United States in 2008, Pope Benedict XVI taught that “First and foremost every Catholic educational institution is a place to encounter the living God who in Jesus Christ reveals his transforming love and truth.” At Thomas More College, we joyfully affirm the Holy Father’s proclamation and seek to create an academic community in which students, faculty, and staff can enjoy the fruits of the spiritual life. In the first place, our classes, taught from the perspective of faith seeking understanding, form a kind of first foundation of the spiritual life, of the pursuit of God.

While formal religious observance is not required of our students, most do frequent the sacraments and practice the devotions of the Catholic Church. Holy Mass is offered daily in our chapel by a corps of six chaplains from surrounding parishes in the Diocese of Manchester and the Archdiocese of Boston. Confession is available daily, and priests are present on campus for individual conferences. The recitation of the Rosary in the chapel or at our outdoor Marian shrine is popular, as is the chanting the Liturgy of the Hours in the morning (lauds),  evening (vespers) and night (compline).

Our Chapel is always reserved and open as a place of prayer for students to visit throughout their daily rhythm.

Joyfully Catholic

Holy Mass is offered each weekday in the Thomas More College Chapel by a variety of our beloved College chaplains. Liturgically, Thomas More College is noteworthy insofar as it offers the Extraordinary Form each week, and all Masses are said facing the tabernacle (ad orientem). No classes are scheduled during this time.


Confession is offered each day. Thomas More College chaplains also make themselves available to students throughout the day, and are also willing to assist the penitent student, when asked, how to make a sincere Confession.

The ancient tradition of the Liturgy of the Hours is made available to students each morning for lauds and evenings with vespers and compline. Students will learn simple traditional plainchant and how to pray with visual imagery. Through this simple and accessible rhythm of worship and prayer, which engages all the senses, students are moved towards the ideal of praying constantly and with the whole person.

Students gather together in the College chapel to pray the Rosary.  Rosary means a crown of roses, a spiritual bouquet given to the Blessed Mother. Over the centuries the saints and popes have highly recommended the rosary, which is the greatest prayer in the Church after the Mass and Liturgy of the Hours. In Addition to the Rosary students come together for the Divine Mercy Chaplet and Stations of the Cross regularly.

The College’s chaplains are always available for individual conferences and spiritual advice, guiding students through moments of inspiration and vocation that are such a decisively important part of any discerning man or woman.


Eucharistic Adoration is the adoration of Jesus Christ present in the Holy Eucharist. Christ’s great love for us was shown when he was crucified on the Cross to pay the penalty for our sins and give us eternal life. He loves us without limit, and offers Himself to us in the Holy Sacrament of the Eucharist. Our students are found in the College chapel loving and adoring Him in return – Thursdays of every week, upon special communal request, and during campus retreats.

Students, staff, and faculty come together to celebrate the major feast days of the Church which is a major part of the liturgical life of the community.  These special evenings include various events and traditions unique to the particular feast day being acknowledged.

While the Rome semester is truly one of Pilgrimage for Thomas More students, a pilgrim spirit pervades here on our home campus. In the Fall, students are able to participate in the 3 day 65 mile Pilgrimage for Restoration to the Auriesville Shrine of Our Lady of Martyrs. The Spring Semester begins with a pilgrimage to Washington D.C. for the Annual March for Life.



The Thomas More College of Liberal Arts
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Merrimack, NH 03054

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